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Health: Stopping Teenage Burnout

September 13, 2021

By Lydia Williams

What is burnout?

Burnout is when one gets too overwhelmed that one’s body and mind stop functioning. This can look like missing many assignments, feeling constantly sick, or even breaking down with no clear reason. Many people seem to think that this is a sign of weakness, which further stigmatizes mental health and makes those suffering from burnout feel like failures. In reality, burnout and mental exhaustion can lead to physical symptoms.

Why am I burned out?

This year it seems that everyone is more tired and stressed than usual. My peers and I feel like we are running on fumes. In order to give ourselves compassion, we must understand our circumstances. Firstly, the beginning of the school year is always difficult. We abruptly change from being on our own schedule to being contained by the schools. But why does this year seem worse? As much as we would like to forget the past year and a half, we need to remember the state of our schooling at that time. We were mostly at home, sleeping in later and seeing fewer people. Being “on” all day for 5 days straight plus homework can and will tire a person out who is not used to it. Be gentle with yourself and know that the way you feel is completely understandable. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

What can I do about it?

I hate to break it to you, but the cure for burnout is not a weekend of self-care. Of course, a bubble bath will make you feel better for a little while but it will not eliminate the feeling. To get rid of burnout you need to get rid of the stressors in your life. A stressor is something that causes you anxiety. Now I understand that you can’t just not go to school, but you can cut back on studying. You can’t quit your job, but you can ask for fewer hours. In order to alleviate burnout, you need to self-advocate and decide what is really important to you. You are never a worse person for doing less work, you are never wrong for taking a break, and you are strong for getting through this.

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